Patient Stories

Every year, we see thousands patients visit us at Onkaulogy Kombine. We witness some inspiring stories of struggle, strength, hope, and perseverance. Here are just a few of those stories.

He didn’t let cancer win…even at 110.
Onakaulogy Kombine stomach cancer patient dr sameer kaul dr feroz pasha
Here’s the story of Haji Ghulam Rasool Dar who beat stomach cancer along with cancer of the oesophagus and colon at the age of 110! It’s a story of his indomitable spirit.
The right spirit can beat every complication
onkaulogy kombine offers ovarian cancer treatment in delhi
The story of Roma Kapoor, who had to deal with two diseases at once. The story of a woman who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer twice in her life and showed everyone how to never give up fighting.
A timely decision of a braveheart
oral cavity cancer specialist dr sameer kaul delhi
Mr. Sinha met his saviour on a train, even before he met our team of doctors. A stranger sent him to us and we witnessed how determined he was to fight his cancer and undergo a salvage surgery of his jaw.
Fighting cancer with a positive spirit and a smile on her face